Network medicine: an approach to complex kidney disease phenotypes

Authors: Arvind K. Pandey & Joseph Loscalzo

Publication Date: 11 April 2023

Scientific reductionism has been the basis of disease classification and understanding for more than a century. However, the reductionist approach of characterizing diseases from a limited set of clinical observations and laboratory evaluations has proven insufficient in the face of an exponential growth in data generated from transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and deep phenotyping. A new systematic method is necessary to organize these datasets and build new definitions of what constitutes a disease that incorporates both biological and environmental factors to more precisely describe the ever-growing complexity of phenotypes and their underlying molecular determinants. Network medicine provides such a conceptual framework to bridge these vast quantities of data while providing an individualized understanding of disease. The modern application of network medicine principles is yielding new insights into the pathobiology of chronic kidney diseases and renovascular disorders by expanding the understanding of pathogenic mediators, novel biomarkers and new options for renal therapeutics. These efforts affirm network medicine as a robust paradigm for elucidating new advances in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney disorders.



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