A global network for network medicine
By Bradley A. Maron, Lucia Altucci, Jean-Luc Balligand, Jan Baumbach, Peter Ferdinandy, Sebastiano Filetti, Paolo Parini, Enrico Petrillo, Edwin K. Silverman, Albert-László Barabási, Joseph Loscalzo & International Network Medicine Consortium
Network Medicine is a scientific discipline that focuses on the interaction between biological components, such as proteins, microRNAs, or metabolites, to understand molecular pathways that underlie the pathogenesis of diseases. More recently, Network Medicine has expanded to integrate molecular data with phenotypic features as a means by which to clarify mechanisms driving clinical disorders. Since the first publication introducing Network Medicine in 20071, nearly 3300 scientific reports have advanced and refined this discipline, which aims to use scientific “big data” to decipher the role of molecular interactions in the context of health and human disease.