Second International Conference on Network Medicine and Big Data
April 12-13, 2021
Virtual/Boston, MA
Hosted by: Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School
Day 1 - Session I: General Principles
Co-Moderators: Joseph Loscalzo and Paola Velardi
7:45-7:50 Welcome Joseph Loscalzo (Brigham/Harvard)
7:50-8:00 Welcome George Q. Daley (Dean, Harvard Medical School)
8:00-8:45 Interactome Variants, Personalized Reticulotypes, and Precision Medicine - Joseph Loscalzo (Brigham/Harvard)
8:45-9:05 Why Bother With Networks - John Quackenbush (Brigham/Harvard School of Public Health)
9:05-9:25 Ontological and Connectivity Structure of Disease-Gene Modules in the Human Interactome - Paola Velardi (University of Rome Sapienza)
9:25-9:45 Cells, Tissues, and Regulatory Networks - Kimberly Glass (Brigham/Harvard)
10:00-10:20 Biochemical Networks and Redox Biology - Dean Jones (Emory)
10:20-10:40 Visualizing Networks - Joerg Menche (Max Perutz Labs, University of Vienna, Austria)
10:40-11:00 Networks and the Foodome - Albert-Laszlo Barabasi (Northeastern University)
11:00-11:20 Predicting Signed Interactions, Including Drug Combinations and Genetic Interactions - Istvan Kovacs (Northwestern)
11:20-11:35 Open Discussion
Day 1 - Session II: Disease Phenotyping
Co-Moderators: Bradley A. Maron & George Washko
12:30-12:50 Orthogonal Phenotyping and Disease Definition - Calum MacRae (Brigham/Harvard)
12:50-1:10 Complex Phenotypes and Genomics - Jake Lusis (UCLA)
1:10-1:30 Network Medicine and Personalized Disease Phenotype - Bradley Maron (Brigham/Harvard)
1:30-1:50 PPI Prediction Challenge Update - Yang-Yu Liu and Paola Velardi
1:50-2:10 Network-based Approaches for the Identification of Cancer Signatures from Omics Data - Paola Paci (University of Rome Sapienza)
2:10-2:30 Big Data and the Comorbidity Landscape - Isaac Kohane (Harvard Medical School)
2:50-3:10 Disease Trajectories and Precision Medicine - Soren Brunak (University of Copenhagen)
3:10-3:30 Quantitative Phenotype Imaging - George Washko (Brigham/Harvard)
3:30-3:50 Brain Network Topology Maps and the Dysfunctional Substrate of Cognitive Processes in Schizophrenia - Guido Caldarelli (University of Rome Sapienza/University of Venice)
3:50-4:10 Predicting Drug Response and Synergy using Deep Learning Models of Human Disease - Trey Ideker (UCSD)
4:10-4:30 Open Discussion
Day 2 - Session III: Drug Development
Co-Moderators: Feixiong Cheng and Harald Schmidt
8:00-8:20 Network Pharmacology - Harald Schmidt (Maastricht University, Netherlands)
8:20-8:40 Systems Pharmacology and Drug Repurposing - Ravi Iyengar (Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, NY)
8:40-9:00 High Performance Computing and Unbiased Drug-Target Identification - Felice Lightstone (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
9:00-9:20 Network Medicine and Drug Repurposing in Alzheimer’s Disease - Feixiong Cheng (Cleveland Clinic)
9:20-9:40 Single Cell-Based Digital Twins for Precision Medicine - Mikael Benson (Swedish Digital Twin Consortium, Linkoping University / Karolinska Institute Sweden)
9:40-10:00 Open Discussion
Day 2 - Session IV: The Exposome
Co-Moderators: Yang-Yu Liu and Mohit Jain
10:00-10:20 Omics Analysis of the Environmental Determinants of Cardiovascular Disease - Aruni Bhatnagar (University of Louisville)
10:20-10:40 Networks and the Microbiome - Yang-Yu Liu (Brigham/Harvard)
10:40-11:00 High-Throughput Metabolomics, the Exposome, and Disease Risk - Mohit Jain (UCSD)
11:00-11:20 Cheminformatics and the Exposome in Health and Disease - Emma Schymanski (University of Luxembourg)
11:20-11:35 Open Discussion
Day 2 - Session V: Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence in Network Medicine
Co-Moderators: Jane Leopold and Jan Baumbach
11:35-11:55 High Performance Computing and Real-time Coronary - Pathophysiological Analysis - Jane Leopold (Brigham/Harvard)
11:55-12:15 Characterization of the Oxidative Stress-Sensitive Posttranslational Modification Landscape in Mouse Models and Human Heart Failure - Peipei Ping (UCLA)
12:15-12:35 Data Privacy in Network Medicine - Jan Baumbach, (University of Hamburg, Germany)
12:35-12:50 Open Discussion
Day 2 - Session VI: Practical Applications to Disease
Co-Moderators: Paolo Parini and Edwin K. Silverman
1:50-2:10 Network Medicine Approach to Atherosclerosis - Paolo Parini (Karolinska University, Sweden)
2:10-2:30 Mechanism-based Redefinition of Retinopathy Endophenotypes - Christina Kiel (University College Dublin, Ireland)
2:30-2:50 miRNA Interactome Network in Cardioprotection and Cardiotoxicity - Peter Ferdinandy (Semmelweis University/Pharmahungary Group, Hungary)
3:15-3:30 Network Medicine and Pulmonary Hypertension - Stephen Chan (University of Pittsburgh)
3:30-3:50 Molecular Networks in IPF - Naftali Kaminski (Yale)
3:50-4:10 Network-based Insights into COPD - Edwin K. Silverman (Brigham/Harvard)
4:10-4:30 Big Cancer Data in Cancer Systems Medicine - Sona Vasudevan (Georgetown University)
4:30-5:00 Open Discussion, Debrief and Q & A and Closing